Latest and Greatest videos
Mastering Synchronicity: Connect with Every Student
Statistics – Standard Normal Distribution
The ONE message that all teachers need to hear
Unleashing the Colors: Exploring Probability Possibilities with a Six-Sided Cube
April Fools' with the class
WARNING! A sense of humor is required for this video. What happens when half the class returns from a school trip? Well obviously, they get pranked by the remaining students and their teacher. What else could there be? Remember that playing gags is an art form. It must be done with love in your heart. This scene taps into a universal fear we all share: the feeling of being completely and utterly lost, while EVERYONE around you totally understands. Having said that, witnessing half the class slowly lose their marbles is straight-up HILARIOUS.
Click to view on a larger screen.
Algebra All-in-1
Yay Math presents Algebra All-in-1! It's a standalone video that encompasses the entirety of a full course of Algebra, in one video.
The video itself is openly accessible. If you want to obtain the blank slides to work alongside me, and the full in-color answer key as seen in the video, they are available for a small payment to support the creation of this endeavor. Click here to view the video on a larger screen, and learn more about the additional resources.
The Love Math Challenge
Everyone has a math story. Many people hold painful or dreadful memories from their math learning days. This comes from a variety of reasons, including situations at home, with school or teachers, and even socio-culturally. As a consequence, people carry around feelings of shame or inadequacy throughout their lives.
This creates the burning desire for me to try a new format for a program. I'm calling it The Love Math Challenge. Click to view on a larger screen, and learn more about it.
Math Motivation
Students and parents alike are invited to use this video as a home school project idea, or let it spark new ideas within you. Using the staircase to my basement, and with the power of math, a challenge emerged in my mind. The challenge: 100 climbs, up and down. As my climbs increase, the number of steps I take rival some of the world's tallest and most iconic landmarks. Hope it inspires you, because we're in this together.
Click to view on a larger screen, which also includes all the implicit benefits of carrying out a project such as this.
Yay Math Surfin' Dude
Quick: name two awesome and fun things to do in life. What's that... did you say "math" and "surfing?" Wow, I totally agree! Since this site is plenty dedicated to math already, let's rebalance the scales with some Yay Math surfin' dude footage. Grab your board and I'll see you on the break!
Click here to view on a larger screen.