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Welcome to an education blog dedicated to helping us connect to kids, and to all learners.

We all want kids to learn and to feel inspired. Ask them and they'll tell you: the surefire way to make elevated learning happen is to forge a meaningful human connection with them. Before we can address concepts such as math anxiety or other behavioral/learning/technological challenges we face, our foremost job is to connect to students as people. Then we all flourish.

These posts take a lot of time and effort to produce, thus they are not the most frequent in the history of  blog-land. To receive new posts privately and securely to your email as soon as they're live, you're invited to join our mailing list at the bottom of the page. Enjoy!

Yay Math is a free and openly available public service. Any contribution towards this movement is deeply appreciated.

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Yay Math will always stay connected to the people. Reach out and share your story! This is not a math help line. It's a way for us to interact and say hi, directly.

© 2024 Yay Math™ videos and courses for Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2, Statistics, and Trigonometry

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