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Educate, and inspire. The art of One-on-One instruction.

Check out exclusive video and pics from our book signing launch party.


When educators or parents work with students at a One-on-One level, challenges often arise. Knowing a subject does not necessarily mean one can teach it, let alone teach it effectively and inspirationally. So many factors, strategies, and actions combine to make an exceptional One-on-One connection. One-on-One 101 is the authoritative roadmap to mastering this art.

“Insightful, intuitive, excellent, and practical suggestions for teaching in the age of personalized education. The creator of Yay Math shows why technology can never replace human teachers, while it does require drastic redefining of what teachers do.”


— Yong Zhao, Ph.D, Director, Institute of Global and Online Education at the University of Oregon, and author of World Class Learners

Emerging models of teaching, including “flipped” and blended learning, as well as the rise of homeschooling and independent schools, demand a comprehensive definition of what transcendent One-on-One learning looks like. Individualized instruction is highly sought after, but it remains elusive due to its high costs, complexity, and impracticality.


What is the “secret sauce” that goes into prospering within this realm of education? The precise formula is known by a select few but direly needed by so many. One-on-One 101 serves to empower anyone to be a successful One-on-One expert.


Learn the critical bedrocks of ideal One-on-One dynamics, which include:


  • using specific socio-emotional cues

  • leveraging praise without falling back on faulty longstanding conventions

  • meaningfully connecting with students

  • using specific verbal phrases

  • avoiding pitfalls

  • permanently ending student shutdown


Inspired individualized instruction is a true art form. One-on-One 101 stands as the definitive guidebook for its implemention, written with honesty, and bearing life-changing capacity.


Many parents have reached out, sharing how the book offers them tremendous insights into connective parenting as well.


Thank you to the Yay Math community, for your support in reaching this incredible milestone of publishing a book.

Click here for a peek inside!


The e-book & physical book have been recently launched and are available at your local bookstore, or below. Yay Math greatly appreciates your help to get the word out – please leave an honest review if the book resonates with you.

Or, click below to receive a personally autographed copy!





For bulk orders to use as training materials, please inquire below.

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